
Family Haggadah: A Seder for All Generations


With its easy-to-follow format and glorious full-color illustrations, this is the ideal choice for a home seder attended by lots of children or a congregational model seder. In just 40 pages, Family Haggadah presents all the key elements of the seder in a child-friendly way that will charm everyone at the table. Special features include: Vibrant images of ancient and contemporary artifacts and illuminated Haggadot. Photographs of modern children celebrating Passover. Sidebars that provide enlightening commentary and thoughtful discussion questions. New traditions and innovations, including Miriam’s Cup. Suggested techniques for involving young children in the service. Popular children’s Passover songs. Conduct a proper seder, enjoy group discussion and learning opportunities, and keep the children engaged—all in just 45 minutes! 32 pages, isbn 9780874416855

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SKU 9780874416855-x0x