
Ein Gedi Spring Ketubah, by Naomi Teplow


Size: 16 5/8″ x 23 1/4″
Medium: Giclee

This Ketubah is based on scenes from the Judean Desert, and on verses from The Song of Songs. The Ketubah text is flanked by an apple tree on one side (“As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the sons, under its shadow I delighted to sit, and its fruit was sweet to my taste”. Song of Songs, 2, 3), and by a palm tree on the other (“This thy stature is like to a palm tree” ibid 7, 9).

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Aramaic Orthodox, Aramaic Orthodox with Modern English, Commitment Vows English, Conservative Lieberman, Egalitarian (Reform) Hebrew and English, Interfaith

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SKU naomi-teplow-Ein-Gedi-Spring-Ketubah
SKU naomi-teplow-Ein-Gedi-Spring-Ketubah