
Shalom Ketubah, by Patty Shaivitz Leve


Size: 18″ x 22 1/2″
Medium: Lithograph

The text of this ketubah is surrounded by excerpts from the Bible, in Hebrew and English, about peace. A couple about to be married prays not only for shalom bayit, peace within the household, but for peace within the community and the world. The oval shape symbolizes harmony and continuity, and the outside border designs continue these themes.

The outer edge of the ketubah is graced with Hebrew and English excerpts from Shir Hashirim, the Song of Songs, which include some of the Torah’s most beautiful messages of love. Each corner diamond contains the phrase “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” in Hebrew. May you always be blessed with peace and may the world we live in know peace today and forevermore.

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