
To Life Ketubah, by Joanne Fink


Size: 16″ x 20″
Medium: Giclee

“To Life” is a toast declared at all of our life cycle events to celebrate the continuity of Jewish tradition and the blessings that it brings upon the family and their guests. This marvelous, whimsical patchwork of symbols and patterns, honors our enduring heritage. This ketubah was designed to fit a standard ready made 16”x20” frame.

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Anniversary, Aramaic Orthodox, Aramaic Orthodox with Modern English, Commitment Vows #1, Commitment Vows #2, Conservative Lieberman, Conservative Lieberman with English, Interfaith #1, Interfaith #2, Interfaith #3 (Jewish Home), Reform (Modern), Same Sex #1, Same Sex #2, Sephardic #1, Sephardic #2, Spanish, Write Your Own (Blank)

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