
Wind Song Ketubah, by Amy Fagin


Size: 20″ x 24″
Medium: Giclee

The health and diversity of our panet depends on the stewardship of our natural resources by all people.  The promises of a marriage are cradled within the intricate and delicate web of life upon which we depend for our very existence.  Our exhilarating “Wind Song” ketubah expresses a chorus of celebration from the wealth of our ocean’s mysteries to the blessings of sun, rain and the plant kingdom.  Your promise is also our promise and with the purchase of our “Wind Song” illuminated ketubah we will donate a portion of the proceeds to the Ocean Conservancy to help preserve the health of our oceans.  Our contribution campaigns are our way of thanking you for your patronage and working on behalf of the health of our planet, which we all share.

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