
Pomegranates Ketubah, by Nishima Kaplan


Size: 21″ x 21″
Medium: Giclee

“Your lips, my bride, drop honey–honey and milk are under your tongue; you are like a garden of pomegranates, bearing precious fruits.” ~ Song of Songs
Pomegranates are jewel-boxes, filled to bursting with hundreds of perfect, ruby jewels. May your Marriage be like a pomegranate: filled with countless perfect moments of wonder, each one a small blessing that contains the seeds of greater things. 

According to kabbalistic tradition, pomegranates promote healing & fertility. Long cherished in Jewish life and lore, images of pomegranates adorned the clothing of the High Priests and the walls of the Temple in Jerusalem. The 613 seeds of the pomegranate correspond to the 613 mitvahs of the Torah. Kabbalistic Symbol: Hod (Majesty) Color Symbolism: Red represents the left, feminine side of the Tree of Life.

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