
True Heart Ketubah, by Sivia Katz


Size: 16″ x 20″
Medium: Giclee

This charming ketubah is part of a series of lace, ribbon and crochet collage prints. The floral border surrounds a heart-shaped text with the words, “I am my beloved’s, my beloved is mine,” in Hebrew and English. Wherever it is displayed will be ‘Home Sweet Home!’

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Anniversary, Aramaic Orthodox, Aramaic Orthodox with Modern English, Commitment Vows #1, Commitment Vows #2, Conservative Lieberman, Conservative Lieberman with English, Humanist #1, Humanist #2 (English only), Interfaith #1, Interfaith #2, Interfaith #3 (Jewish Home), Reform (Modern), Sephardic #1, Sephardic #2, Spanish, Write Your Own (Blank)

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